Welcome and get ready to become a warrior leader!  

Let's Do This!


The best way to attack this online learning stuff is to make a plan beyond the content of your lesson.  In this module we will jump into the puddle of planning for ways that we will inspire and motivate kids through assessment for learning strategies.  This is where we start to curate our personal Distance Learning Roadmap!

In this module, you will come out with a plan for the entire year and a clear picture of what your students can know, do, and articulate.  You will know exactly what you can gather for evidence of learning that will set up your entire year.


Who doesn't love to create!!  This is the part of the puddle where we go through the surface of the product puddle and into the splashes of the processes of thinking that happened.  This module is all about teachers modelling their own learning and how they follow criteria to showcase the quality of work they expect.  The students will also have time to create and practice the strategies that they learn alongside their teachers!

In this module, you will come out of it with your own spreadsheet for planning, examples of success criteria, ways to model your own learning and get students involved in the learning, ways to get students to create or use criteria to move their learning forward, and ways to batch your planning so that you are not scrambling from week to week.


This is where all the fun happens!  This is where we engage the students to jump deep into the puddle of learning to find the underbelly of grit, mess, and the residue of their learning. 

In this module, we will look at ways to engage students in demonstrating and gathering their own evidence of learning through a virtual platform!  You will come away with how to build and use your support team, reflection stems and criteria conferencing questions, lesson templates on Zoom workshop lessons, and ways to use Google classroom, Google Keep, Read/Write Google, and Google slides to enhance your feedback and AFL strategies.  

This module is all about building connections, providing support, inspiring the students, empowering students, sharing their wins, getting feedback, gathering evidence of learning, and most of all, having fun again!

Distance Learning Roadmap

With this course you will receive an interactive Distance Learning Roadmap where you can curate your own online learning assessment plan.  Each mile marker has a hyperlink, video lesson, and pdf that will show you step by step how to navigate your next step.  Quickly reference techniques and concepts with each hyperlink so that you don't always have to go back and rewatch the videos.

These strategies not only help you and your students but can help to calibrate and set up a structure of practice to help align your school culture.  It will instill a confidence in you through the AFL strategies so that you can empower other teachers to take on these practices as well.


Renewal, Bright Spots, and That Pause Between Breaths

These proven strategies will infuse energy and life back into your teaching practice as well as engage the students in learning that will long outlast the event of the product and the mark on a report card. 

The complete How to Assess Students in a Distance Learning course includes 11 lessons with video, pdfs, and tools to guide you each step of the way.  You get full, lifetime access to the course that has helped many teachers along the way already master the fundamentals to AFL strategies in classrooms and through online forums.  

Included are models and examples to help you to take action immediately.  

I am not here to enroll you in the course and then forget about you.  I am committed to supporting you all along the way in any way that I can.  That's why I am offering personalized feedback, mentorship and guidance whenever you need!  You get lifetime access to this support to ensure that you make the most impact in learning for your students and renew your passion for your craft!


Download, Curate, and.....Action!

Ready, set, jump into those puddles and see the residue of learning that happens!


50% Complete

Two Step

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