Go From Boring Meetings to Master Workshop  Meetings That Inspire and Motivate Teachers and are Productive and Efficient Every Single Time!

The “Must Have” Ultimate Guide to 

Workshopping Your Meetings to engage your community to do the best work of their life and inspire them to take action and get results!

Go from endless housekeeping tasks to engaging professional learning, modelling workshop strategies that teachers can use right away, inspiring teachers to take action, and coaching each other on their success instantly!

Are You Ready to Dive in?

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Download the Ultimate Guide to Workshopping Your Meetings Now and Get the Details on How To Set Up a Workshop to Engage, Inspire, and Motivate Teachers that Gets Them Doing More Of The Talking, Thinking, and Learning, Including:

  • What a workshop structure is
  • Ways to implement each section
  • How to model strategies and get teachers taking action to present their own evidence and success at each meeting
  • Specific actions to model and implement that are sustainable, productive, efficient, and automated so you can use them over and over again

Hey there! I'm Jacealyn... 

I help leaders build a thriving culture where everyone does the best work of their life.  I primarily focus on strategies that drive passion through providing value to the people and helping them to design a life that they love.  I create frameworks that solve problems, provide clarity on next steps, engage, inspire, and motivate communities, and show how to ignite an action - taking culture that gets sustainable results.

I am passionate about providing value to my community and the best way to do it is by showing them what is in it for them.  This guide will show you exactly how to do that so that teachers can take what you model in meetings and implement it directly into their classrooms.  It will transform your leadership style through giving you more clarity, rejuvenation and momentum that empowers an engaged, action taking community of teachers that learn from each other.  I can't wait until you see the results of your dedication and commitment to taking action using this workshop template!


Almost there!

Enter your name and best e-mail address to get your free Ultimate Guide to Workshopping Your Meetings to engage your community to do the best work of their life.