The School Administrator's Academy 

The most comprehensive step-by-step system to transform your leadership efficiency and impact, inspire and motivate your team, and increase your overall health and productivity.

In this course, I teach school administrators how to become transformational leaders by embracing healthy leadership practices, facilitating powerful meetings that unlock human potential, and using AI to streamline tasks—resulting in reignited passion, purpose, and clarity for both teachers and leaders, leading to improved student learning and overall fulfillment.

Before I Tell You All About This Life-Changing Program, Let's Talk About Who This Is Really For...


You're a visionary with no shortage of ambition who's tired of looking into a crowd of frustrated, overwhelmed faces and working endless hours only to lead a disengaged community.  You are ready to build a school culture that allows you to impact and rejuvenate teachers, transform and provide clarity to your leadership messaging, and empower your teachers to take action to get the results you have all been looking for.


Whether You're...

  • an administrator who feels burnt out, overwhelmed, and unhealthy who feels that this is just part of what comes with the job (it's not...)
  • a school administrator who's reached a very real ceiling that knows developing a more efficient, productive, and engaging leadership style and clear messaging is your ticket to helping more teachers find clarity in what they need to do to achieve the results they are looking for

  • a school leader with (with the heart of a dreamer and high performer) tired of working endlessly only to lead a disengaged community and fully aware your teachers are capable of so much more
  • a visionary who wants to build relationships, solve problems efficiently and productively, and empower teachers to lead and take action

You're in the right place and I'm going to tell you exactly how the School Administrator's Academy will give you the tools, inspiration, step by step problem solving system, and unparalleled support on your journey to engage and lead an empowered, action taking community.

By the end of this program,

you will have…


  • Nailed down the clarity on your leadership messaging through a very specific step by step system

    (instead of spending another year searching for where to go next)
  • Mastered Healthy Leadership Practices:

    Learn to prioritize your well-being through sustainable habits, mindfulness, and effective time management, ensuring you lead with energy and vitality.
  • Facilitated Powerful Meetings:

    Gain the skills to run engaging and transformative meetings that inspire creativity, collaboration, and growth among your staff.
  • Used AI to Streamline Tasks:

    Discover how to leverage AI tools to automate routine tasks, analyze data, and manage projects, freeing up your time to focus on impactful leadership and improving student outcomes.
  • Team Teaching Frameworks and a four phase process for building relationships through visibility and team teaching support in classrooms

    with multiple points of entry to work with your timetable and levels of expertise
  • Implemented a workshop model in your meetings to inspire and motivate teachers and sustain engagement

    Learn how to implement a very specific structure to get your teachers doing more of the thinking and learning as well as teach them how to solve problems so that it becomes automated
  • Learned how to empower your teachers through building leadership skills and teaching them how to coach each other

    Amplify your reach by teaching them how to apply the strategies and problem solving system they learn in meetings to their own classrooms, notice the results they are getting, and how to teach their colleagues
  • Gained clarity through showing teachers how to solve problems using frameworks 

    Implement a framework structure to give your teachers the best possible chance at succeeding in leading, problem solving, and getting the results they are looking for without always having to look to you to solve the problem
  • Implemented a transformed leadership style that is effective, productive, and efficient

    This will give you the clarity and roadmap to give you and your community the best possible chance at succeeding in getting the results you want and an engaged, action taking culture that aligns while dramatically cutting down on your workload.  You will learn systems to organize digital documents, scheduling, calendars, and so much more so that you can start to automate things and get your life back.

"The course is jam-packed with loads of information that is helpful and easy to understand and follow.  There are all kinds of nuggets for administrators with loads of experience and those just beginning on their journey. I gleaned lots of great information (particularly looking at how to make our meetings more engaging and impactful for our staff), and the focus on evidence of learning is definitely an area that we will be exploring more." 


Enroll in The School Administrator's Academy Today!

3 Monthly Payments of 

$170.00 CAD


A One-Time Payment of

$500.00 CAD


"Learning from my colleagues within meetings has been the best professional development.  This is how we grow as teachers, leaders, and as a whole school which has boosted our entire culture. This experience has taken it to a whole new level. 

Between my reflections of teaching and within my Unit Plan, I just quoted my admin for the fourth time today. In this moment, I just realized how much of a positive impact they have had on my teaching.  Our admin has pushed us to be the best we can be, and allow us to work through the process, even when it is “messy”.

- Kylie Scott, Teacher Who Has Experienced This System From Her Admin


"This experience has engrained in me the importance of instructional leadership in an administrator's role and I am invigorated to create this culture within my own school." 

- Shari Gustafson, Administrator


"Using this system has helped us to grow as individuals and a community and has boosted our entire school culture. I like the ownership it has given me to choose what area to learn from, which problem to solve,  the consistent collaboration and coaching, followed by immediate feedback within meetings and conversations.  It made me realize how much I love leading, learning, and teaching again!" 

- Tanya Harding, Teacher Who Has Experienced This System From Her Admin


What’s Inside The School Administrator's Academy


Module 1

Leadership Messaging and Mindset

Outcome:  You will learn the Problem Solving System, called the Leadership Edit System, and how to use it to solve a problem with your school community


Module Description: Here is why your messaging is everything to your community - providing clarity, consistency, and walking your message alongside your teachers will be the key to generating energy, renewal and reduce overwhelm.  In this module, we are going to crush the pile of overwhelm and uncertainty that could stop you from moving forward or being clear on your messaging to your community. 

 We'll start with setting you up for success by getting some big questions and decisions out of the way with the end goal of helping you achieve TOTAL clarity about where you are going and how you are going to get there. 

You are going to get on the fast track to deciding your biggest pain point and the outcome you want.  You'll get the inside scoop on four questions that will provide clarity to you and help your community to also use these questions to guide them.  You'll decide on the actions you will take and how you will walk the walk of your messaging alongside your community without turning them away from your message (getting this balance right is critical.). You will learn how to use the problem solving system called the Leadership Edit System and how to teach it to teachers to automate problem solving.

Finally, you will map out and schedule your entire messaging, modelling, and launch strategy of how you will deliver it (it's simpler than you think!) so that you have a crystal clear picture of what you'll be working towards as a community that is sustainable and manageable.  

Module Highlights:

Get your leadership messaging assertive, and precise so you can move forward feeling clear and confident.

  • Clarity on quality of expectations that you have on yourself as a leader and how your message will be sustainable, manageable, and build momentum with your community.  Not only will this process motivate you into action, it'll eliminate the dreaded wavering and second guessing that often sets in if you let this important decision on your messaging go untouched until AFTER you talk to your community.
  • Map out your leadership message using four key questions that allow you to find clarity in your promise, your expected results, your actions that you will take, and how you will measure your evidence of impact to empower others.  These four questions will serve as the sparks that eventually become a full-blown bonfire on the beach (aka your successful launch of an action taking, problem solving community).  
  • Ways to take action on your messaging to model to teachers and how to make sure you are getting the result you want.  So that you know right off the bat how you are going to engage your community in your messaging instead of letting the looming fear of the unknown drain all of your energy and motivation.
Module 2

Building Relationships and Connection

Outcome:  You will learn and implement a 4 phase visibility system to help teachers solve problems in their own classroom.

Nothing is scarier than investing time, energy, and endless support into building relationships with your teachers, only to find out after the fact, they do not want your connection or support.

Yet, this is the nightmare that most leaders find themselves in.

It's not that leaders don't want to build relationships or validate their connections with their teachers.  They are just overwhelmed by the process and have no clue how to go about it.

So they just "try everything to connect and pray," hoping that they'll be the exception to the rule and build relationships with everyone.  Fortunately, there is a better way.  And in Module 2, I'll show you how to validate and build trusting relationships with teachers with a step by step system to support the problem solving framework.  You see, everything is connected to one problem solving system.

Meaning you will be armed with total confidence, clarity, and excitement to start building relationships with a very specific plan that has multiple entry points to work with your schedule.

And the best part?  You'll learn how to implement the 5 Phase Visibility Strategy at a specific entry point in order to test out your community's response to your approach long before you spend time and energy trying to do it all.

Module Highlights:

  • Learn how to execute the five phases of visibility before you even step foot in a classroom.
  • Choose your level of entry and comfort for being visible in classrooms and modelling within meetings in order to build trust and inspire action.  
  • Learn how to get teachers to be more invitational when you spend time in the classroom with them and how to get them coaching each other.
Module 3

Leading Transformational Meetings that Unlock Human Potential

Outcome:  You will learn a workshop formula to implement in your meetings to motivate, engage, and inspire your teachers


Perfectionists rejoice!

Raise your hand if you have this problem:  You want to make sure that you literally get all your ideas out of your head and everything that you need to get done completed in every meeting, but you quickly find that the process spirals into an uncontrollable, overwhelming mess for you and your teachers.

Yep.  Totally get it.

As an expert and leader, you want to feel fully expressed and clear in what you're sharing in your meetings, but you also want to make sure that things stay organized and actionable.

That's why in Module 3, you'll get access to the outlining process I've used to create every single type of meetings that I have had with teachers that spurs action, coaching each other, and results, without feeling the overwhelm and getting lost in the weeds.

Module Highlights:

  • The Art and Science of Workshopping Your Meetings (hint: the workshop structure alone can and will influence engagement)
  • 7 actions that you can do in your meetings throughout your entire year to engage and inspire your community to take action and get the results they have been looking for (aka:  how to pull all the ideas out of your head in a sane, super organized, action-oriented way).
Module 4

Leading Using Assessment for Learning Actions

Outcome:  You will learn 7 actions that you can choose from to solve problems and help to teach strategies to teachers.   Teachers can use these same actions in assessment for learning in their own classrooms.


I like to call this module the "where the rubber hits the road" module!

Whether you’ve already been leading a school for awhile or a brand new leader and you find yourself getting stuck, adding way more info than you know is necessary, or questioning yourself every step of the way — you’re in the right module and I’m here to help! 

The first thing I want you to know is that you’re not alone. For sooo many leaders, time management, what to learn in professional development, and efficiency is one of the trickiest parts for a few different reasons: 

  1. You’ll feel the pressure to include absolutely everything you know into everything you do (which is almost always TMI for your teachers). 

  1. You have so many things you need to get done that you don't even know where to start.

  2. It takes time! Just like Rome, great leaders weren't built in a day. The administrative part of the leadership process can often take over what is really important, the people.

Here’s the thing — most people who set out to become great leaders never make it this far. You’re already ahead of the game.  They tend to get stuck in the paperwork and division procedures that are definitely part of the big picture, but it's the people and the adult learning that tend to get thrown to the side (in the zone of 'I'll get to it eventually...').

In this module, I help you to streamline and simplify your actions using an assessment for learning approach that has 7 specific actions so you can get to the people, model exact strategies that get traction and allow the teachers to take that specific action back to their classroom to use immediately.  I promise, the sense of gratification and accomplishment you’ll feel post-module will make this whole process so worthwhile. 

I’m so proud of you for committing to the reading about this entire leadership course process. It’s not always easy, but it’s ALWAYS worth it. 

No matter where you’re at in your leadership journey, remember your bigger vision and give yourself time, practice, and grace. You’ve got this. 

Module Highlights:

  •  7 actions and corresponding lessons that you can implement into your professional learning communities that set up the quality of expectations that you are looking for from your teachers.
  • How to use co-constructed criteria to guide how you collect evidence of your teacher's work and give feedback.
  • Ways to boost the culture through celebrating the accomplishments and noticing the adult and student learning that is happening within your school.
Module 5

Engaging and Empowering Your Community Through Evidence of Impact

Outcome:  You will learn how to teach teachers to gather evidence of progress towards solving a problem and how to coach each other on how they did it.


Now that your messaging is clear and you are engaging your community through adult learning in an action-taking, problem solving, workshop structure, it is time to develop the coaching asset that will get your teachers to extend their reach beyond the classroom.

Here you'll develop an effective system that serves as the backbone of your community for months and years to come.  This system is through noticing our own Evidence of Impact (identifies the consequences of our actions and the extent to which program or project goals have been achieved).

This is where I will show you how to get teachers noticing the results they are getting in their classrooms (evidence of impact) from the actions they decided on in meetings and coaching each other in order to extend their reach and develop their leadership skills.

Even if your teachers have never lead adults before, this system will rejuvenate them and start to nudge them.  

This module will break the evidence of impact system down into simple, easy-to execute steps that will finally make you feel confident about engaging your community through action-taking, contributing, leading and coaching each other.

Module Highlights:

  • You'll learn how to create an engaging and safe space for teachers to engage within your meetings that they feel compelled and motivated to contribute in order to extend their own reach (hint: the workshop structure alone can and will influence engagement).
  • Use my own professionally designed problem solving system and corresponding training to help them make a decision and an action before leaving every meeting to quickly create a plan that gives your teachers confidence needed to begin taking action, solving their top priority, noticing their evidence of impact, and then coach each other. This is the exact template that has helped me build an army of teacher leaders who now can independently use evidence of impact to be more productive and get the results they are looking for when leading their own meetings.
  • Learn how to craft a message and ways to model how to implement effective coaching strategies through noticing evidence of impact that cuts through the noise of show and share, busy work, bring and brags, overcomes objections and connects to the hearts and minds of your teachers because it brings value to them...they don't teach this stuff in teacher school, friend!
Module 6

Empowering Teacher Leaders and Showing Them How To Lead

Outcome:  You will learn how to use this same problem solving framework to show teacher leaders how to solve problems with their teams.


This module is worth the price of admission alone.  In it, you'll learn everything there is to know about showing teachers leaders how to coach, teach, and host productive and efficient meetings with their own teams.  This module is all about ways to extend your reach so it is not always you doing the leading, contributing, thinking, and learning.  I show you ways to build an army of leaders with alignment through a common problem solving structure in order to have sustainability and momentum for years.

From filling meetings up with productivity, problem solving, momentum building, and action taking to overcoming "stage fright, to leading like a "boss" (not bossy just effective), creating an engaging meeting template, coaching each other, and setting goals that finally get the results they have been searching for...it's ALL inside this module!

In the juiciest module of the program, you'll learn how to leverage a perfect mix of leadership strategies to GUARANTEE you present to a packed room full of leadership prospects every time.

I promise you that as long as you're committed to developing this critical skill of teaching lead teachers how to lead, I'll arm you with the techniques and strategies needed to deliver like a pro and gradually build up your teacher leadership success rates to admin leading levels.

Module Highlights:

  • Learn how to implement the leadership formula problem solving system with teacher leaders that I've developed and perfected after using it with my own teacher leaders over the last few years.
  • Learn the key elements of high-converting strategies to ensure sustainability, independence and momentum happens without you always having to be there for accountability.  I will make sure you never waste your precious, hard-earned time when it comes to developing your leaders and leverage expert-level ways for teacher leaders to lead meetings, solve problems, develop templates, and swipe files to solve problems.  This module will also show teacher leaders how to keep track, simplify, and streamline the residue of learning that happens within meetings.
  • How to lead like a pro when teaching lead teachers about leadership.  Even if the idea of delivering leadership strategies makes you want to crawl in a deep, dark hole with an emotional support animal.
  • Set your leadership goals with your leader team and develop a high-converting meeting template and problem solving system that serves as the backbone of your culture for months and years to come.


Module 7

Gaining Clarity Through Using Frameworks To Solve Problems

Outcome:  You will learn 5 specific frameworks to help you and your teachers gain more clarity on next steps, organize plans of action, keep track of the progress, and automate problem solving.

This is where you graduate from "that would be nice" results to "let's drink wine and celebrate" results.

Nearly 50% of your leadership success will come in the "follow up" once your leadership meetings and relationship building in classrooms are done.  This is where most leaders take their foot off the gas prematurely.

It's tempting to close up shop after each meeting and start something new next time you meet.  But without implementing the follow up strategies implemented in module 6, you'll be leaving a good chunk of your action taking plans on the table.

By using the problem solving frameworks as resources to streamline, prioritize, spur action, and follow up, you'll eliminate the guess work and give your teachers the gift of clarity to their problems and how to solve them.

Resources that include tried and tested problem solving frameworks, swipe file templates, action-taking checklists that will ensure you get your teachers excited and ready to show up and figure things out so they can finally get the results they have been looking for.  These frameworks will allow you as the leader to streamline and solve problems.  But they are also for you to show your teachers how to use this system so you don't always have to be their 'go to' to do all of the problem solving.  In other words, this is the key to automating and systematizing problem solving!

These templates position your strategies to solve problems as a total no-brainer and spur any fence sitters into taking action.

Module Highlights:

  • Deploy the problem solving frameworks, checklists, and swipe files that I've used to start to tackle the endless pile of problems that never seem to go away.
  • Implement the follow up strategies to make sure that your teachers are taking action, committing to the work, and have the best possible chance of succeeding using these frameworks.  You'll get some samples of my personal frameworks so that you can get your framework problem solving strategies up and running in a matter of minutes.
  • Craft a high-converting post follow up system to reflect on the frameworks to ensure action is being taken that turns overwhelmed teachers into raving framework fans that can finally get clarity on figuring out problems that have been hanging around for years in their professional or even their personal lives.
  • How to create a teacher onboarding sequence that primes your teachers for success without you there while dramatically cutting down on your soul sucking and energy draining requests to solve problems for them.
Module 8

Using Artificial Intelligence for Productivity and Efficiency 

Outcome:  You will learn ways use AI to schedule it all in, get your life back, and how to automate whatever you can in order to be more productive and efficient so you can spend time where it really matters...with the people and on your health.



Now that you have validated your messaging, mapped out and implemented your workshop meeting structure, taught and implemented the problem solving system, put your relationship through visibility into action, empowered your teacher leaders, and set up frameworks to solve problems, it is time to reflect on the types of meetings that you will be running and the flow of how it all works together.  It's time to hit go!

For some, this is the most exciting part of the process.  For others, it is the most terrifying.

Wherever you land on the spectrum, this Module will break down exactly how to use AI to streamline your admin tasks so you can spend time where it really matters.  We will also look at the types of meetings that you could implement and how it all flows together.  This system of developing different cohorts of meetings is a simple, fun, and excuse-free process that guarantees you get your community engaged and contributing because it is tailored to their needs and they now know what it in it for them.

Module Highlights:

  • How to choose the meeting cohorts that best suit your experience, school, personalities of your community, and leadership style (hint:  you DON'T have to be the one that is leading the meetings and doing all the work all of the time) 
  • The science and art of scheduling so that the meetings happen during the professional hours and on a regular basis. Most leaders avoid this completely  because they are not sure how different teacher leader teams could possibly all fit together in the time that they have.  Then they shrug their shoulders and scratch their heads why teacher teams are so disjointed and on their own islands.  In this module, you'll learn how to schedule weekly meetings within school hours in a way that delivers high productivity rates, alignment, results, and efficiency.
  • How each meeting can follow a common structure but tackle different items.  I will show you how it all flows together to streamline, simplify, and where each type of meeting feeds into each other.

When you enroll during this special, limited time period,

you’ll get:


The School Administrator's Academy
(A $2000 Value)


  • 8 Implementation Modules

    showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to do to provide clarity to your leadership messaging to turn your culture into a blockbuster community that your teachers want to engage in and contribute to.

  • A complete, step by step launch and implementation plan

    showing you how to transform your leadership into learning alongside your teachers and deliver a high-converting message and problem solving system that ethically (and authentically) enrolls your teachers to commit and take action every time you meet.
  • The Leadership Edit Problem Solving System and Workshop Formula

    to make sure you never deliver to empty, overwhelmed stares again, and instead get a packed house full of perfectly-targeted "ready to commit and take action" teachers who finally get the clarity and results they have always wanted.
  • Next level ways to empower teachers to coach each other and extend their reach

    to amplify your reach and results and get them doing more of the learning, thinking, and taking action.

You'll be given access to one module per week  - so that you have ample time to dive into the lessons and execute that portion of the project plan BEFORE moving onto the next.

We do this to protect your time, attention and focus while sparing you from the intense overwhelm that stops most leaders in their tracks.

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum (And Keep It) For Years To Come


Bonus 1

8 Weeks of Live Q and A Sessions with Jacealyn Inside The School Administrator's Academy Facebook Group for Members Only

Get unstuck in a matter of minutes and maintain your momentum right through til your course completion.

(A $500 Value)

What You’ll Get:

Imagine a coaching session each week tailored right to your needs

  • 8 weeks of live Q and A sessions  to make sure you get your burning questions answered and can move forward with total clarity and confidence. 
  • An active and highly supportive Facebook community with fellow students and Jacealyn to make sure you get unstuck in a matter of minutes instead of weeks.
  • A space to overcome isolation and constantly refill your motivation tank by connecting with other school leaders who "get" the journey and are here to help you cross that finish line.
  • After the 6 weeks inside of the School Administrator's Academy Private Face Book Group, you'll move into my "Principals and Leadership" Private Facebook Group.
Bonus 2

How To Set Up Admin/Teacher Weeklong Workshops

When you are ready to dive deeper into making an impact with coaching and learning alongside your teachers inside the classroom, I show you ways to use the strategies that you are learning in meetings in order to coach teachers how to put them into action within their classroom to boost student results.  I will walk you through how to use the problem solving framework inside the classroom to support and team teach with teachers in order to solve their top priority.

(A $1000 Value)

What You’ll Get:

Within this module, you will experiment with ways to be more visible in the classroom teaching alongside the teacher vs. sitting at the back typing away on your computer missing out on the learning opportunity that is happening right in front of you.  

  • 8 modules and corresponding lessons to give to your teachers to choose from so you can collaborate to curate the week to fit their needs.  The modules are:  Assessment for learning, Reader/Writer Workshop, Math Workshop, Building Leadership Capacity, Learning Support, Wellness for kids, Wellness for teachers, and a Specialists Module.
  • A format to organize your week so that it is manageable and sustainable.
Bonus 3

Time Management and Efficiency 

This bonus is jam packed with strategies to organize your time, how to manage it all, and ways to finally get your life back.

I will walk you through some ways to be more productive and efficient through automating and systematizing areas so you can create more space in your day.

(A $500 Value)

What You’ll Get:

This is a game changing bonus module that you will not want to miss!

  • How to batch your duties.  Batching is the act of grouping tasks together, so you do them all at once, instead of switching between tasks that take place in different programs or areas.  In this module, I show you all things incredible about batching while also revealing the flip side of the importance of commitment and sticking to it.  It ain't pretty but it is incredible and game changing to your stress and workload.
  • Strategies to help organize housekeeping duties so they don't devour your meetings and overwhelm your staff.  
  • How to use the container system to organize your time.
  • How to systematize and automate certain areas so you can create more time in your day.
Bonus 4

Admin and Teacher Wellness

(A $100 Value)

Can I get an "amen" to taking care of ourselves!

This very necessary module looks at ways that you can infuse healthy habits into your daily routines and how you can inspire your teachers to do the same.

  • How to infuse healthy habits into your culture.
  • How to engage and invite more healthy habits to your own table to boost health and generate energy.
  • Fun ideas that I have used in my own school to generate fun, energy, and healthy habits.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The School Administrator's Academy - $2000.00 Value

  • 8 weeks of live Q and A sessions - $500 Value
  • Admin/Teacher
    Week long workshop with corresponding lessons and 8 templates- $1000 Value
  • Time Management and Efficiency - $500 Value
  • Admin and Teacher Wellness - $100

Total Value: $2,100.00

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $4,100

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

$500.00 CAD 

3 Monthly Payments of

$170.00 CAD


A One-Time Payment of

$500.00 CAD


Plus You'll Be Backed by a Risk-Free 14 Day Guarantee

Ok, let's just get this straight.  Let me be upfront with you right away. 

The School Administrator's Academy is the most comprehensive step by step implementation program for school administrators who are excited and COMMITTED to finding clarity in their leadership messaging, are dedicated to solving problems and engaging their community to take action to finally get the results they have been looking for.

Now here's the kicker.

By the end of the 14 days, you'll have received access to the Pre-Launch and Welcome module as well as the first two modules.

Meaning, you'll have had the opportunity to validate your leadership messaging and map out your visibility and connection strategies in order to build trust and relationships with your teachers BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don't feel totally confident and motivated by leadership strategy and implementation plan (and your ability to launch it and engage your community like a pro), simply reach out, show us you've put in the work, and we'll refund your investment.  Full details below:

  • Complete and attach 5 sentences telling us specifics about your ideal community avatar.
  • Complete and attach your prioritizing problem with actions and outcome worksheet with two objections as to why it can't be solved or achieved.
  • A transcript of a pre-meeting with a teacher.
  • Complete and attach your plan for phases of visibility in classrooms along with two photos of you in the classroom at two different phases.
  • Tell us why this course was not a good fit for you and your leadership needs.  What did you expect that you did not get from the program.

Burning Q's your fellow School Administrators asked before grabbing their access



Enroll in The School Administrator's Academy Today


3 Monthly Payments of

$170.00 CAD


A One-Time Payment of

$500.00 CAD


Still thinking about it?


You should give the School Administrator's Academy a 14 day risk-free shot if you're motivated by any of the following:

You want your life back...like....really badly.

Whether it's a super demanding leadership job (which of course it is!) or your teachers are fully dependent on you solving all of the problems or you feel like it all rests on your shoulders with endless work and no traction, you're fully aware that you don't have the time, energy, or freedom you TRULY need to be living your best leadership life.

More importantly, you'd prefer not to spend the rest of your career flirting with burnout while changing the mantra of "I don't have time" every time something fun and exciting pops up.

That's why you're motivated beyond measure to invest the next few months in setting up and launching an action-taking and engaged community that is empowered by their leader's clear messaging and expectations that can dramatically alter the rest of your life and your career.

You're so freakin' ready to "put in the work".

By now, you fully understand that when it comes to leadership, the barriers to entry are low - but the barriers to success are high.

This doesn't scare you.  It lights you up!

You appreciate that this barrier to success also serves as your biggest competitive advantage against the dabblers and those without a COMPLETE, step by step implementation plan.

But above all else, you're ready, willing, and excited to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

You're not afraid of putting in the effort and knowing that there will be bumps along the way.  The only thing that scares you is "wasted effort".

And because School Administrator's Academy is a proven, refined, and comprehensive problem solving framework system, you have total confidence that every hour you invest in building and launching your leadership messaging will pay off dramatically in the coming months and years.

You recognize that this is the best offer you'll ever get on the School Administrator's Academy.

You'd expect this type of step-by-step implementation program to sell for nearly 5X the investment.

In fact, when you factor in that the combined retail price of all of the bonuses, the coaching, and the modules are $4100, you're a little shocked that the School Administrator's Academy clocks in at an introductory investment of just $500.

Along with the stack of amazing bonuses that you could implement for years to come, you're totally unwilling to let a countdown timer get to decide what the next 13 weeks looks like fo you.

That's all I got...

If any of these motivating factors had you nodding your head - I borderline insist that you start your School Administrator's Academy today with a 30 day risk-free shot.

"This was truly the most valuable PD that I have ever received, as I was able to work with admin and learn from them in meetings.  I now have an automated problem solving system that I can use for any type of problem and it guides me to clarity on what I need to do to solve it.
Team teaching with admin was to not only collaborate on lessons, but to put what we learned in meetings in real time action with the students!
This team teach opportunity was invaluable for my growth as a teacher, and the students loved it too!"


"Workshop has been something that I have been interested in for a few years, however I have always felt unsure of how to bring it to life inside of a first grade classroom. Since joining the EGSS team I have had the opportunity to take part in staff meetings and professional development days that have been organized in a workshop style. These have helped me to develop my understanding of how workshop authentically takes place. They have also allowed me to notice some of the most important components of workshop, and inspired me to start brainstorming what workshop could look like in a grade one classroom. 

An amazing opportunity that is provided for teachers at EGSS is to spend a week team teaching with an administrator. I chose "Writer's Workshop" as my area of growth for my team teaching week.  This is my seventh year teaching grade one and I have never had my students this excited to write - it is absolutely amazing to witness! The students get to ignite their creativity and apply writing techniques that are appropriate for where they are at in their writing journey. As a teacher, writer's workshop has allowed me to differentiate in a much more authentic way than I feel I was before. 
Team teaching with admin  and learning from them in meetings provided me with the confidence I needed to take what I had heard/read about workshop in the past, and bring it to life! I am truly so grateful!"
Krissie Eberhart, (Teacher who has experienced this system with her admin)

I cannot wait to guide you over these next 8 weeks...

Creating and Using this system has totally transformed my life, my leadership style, and our community.

 I've experienced first-hand what it feels like to transition from an unreasonably demanding leadership career, to being at the helm of a highly engaged and highly impactful, problem solving, school community.

More than anything else, I want to share that with you today.

If you're a principal, vice principal, or school leader of any kind, you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free plunge to see what your life as a leader with a clear plan and messaging who engages an action taking community that gets results looks like.

To experience firsthand the time, less workload, clarity, and freedom that it provides - and to take real, tangible steps to transforming the lives of teachers and students in your school community.

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that these next 8 weeks will be completely and utterly life changing for you, your family, and your community of teachers and students.

I look forward to meeting you personally inside The School Administrator's Academy.

I am always rooting for you,


Enroll in The School Administrator's Academy Today!

3 Monthly Payments of

$170.00 CAD


A One-Time Payment of

$500.00 CAD